by Laurie | Family Cooking, Recipe, Summer Cooking
Plums should be available this month, which is perfect for our Plums with Ricotta Recipe. I had a large Santa Rosa plum tree in my back yard for years when I was raising the girls. When I moved, coincidentally there is a small Italian plum tree in my yard. Now, each...
by Laurie | Family Cooking, Recipe, Summer Cooking
Corn: This month’s harvest, corn always seems to signal summer. It’s so easy, throw it in a pot of boiling water for a couple of minutes or put it on the grill for a few minutes and it’s ready. Buy plenty so you have an ear or two left over. I love to cut the...
by Laurie | Family Cooking, Recipe, Summer Cooking
Peas: I love fresh English peas in the pod, shelled and just barely cooked so the sweetness is still apparent and even just a bit of texture rather than pea “mush” that’s been over cooked. If you find fresh peas at a farmer’s market or natural grocery bring some...
by Laurie | Family Cooking, Recipe, Summer Cooking
What’s better than a Hot Cocoa? A Coconut Milk Cocoa Bar! I’ve done a super fun break at my events using coconut milk hot chocolate. I set up a thermos of coconut milk cocoa and a variety of toppings like cinnamon, nutmeg, cayenne powder, peppermint, and coconut...
by Laurie | Family Cooking, Recipe, Summer Cooking
I’ve always loved this Salad Nicoise Recipe. It’s such a classic and very nutritious with lots of vegetables. I’ve made this for baby showers, a special summer lunch, and in the kitchen of our rental in Avignon. Often in the summer, I’ll have leftover potatoes...
by Laurie | Family Cooking
Bouquet Garni is a little bundle of herbs used to season sauces, stews, braised meat or soups. They combine to make a fragrant place setting for your holiday guests. Herbs can be grown in your own garden or purchased from the store or your local...